As I was loading the kids into the car the other day, Phoenix observed my fresh pedicure.
"Mama, they are very prinklely!"
"What?" I couldn't imagine what on earth he was talking about.
Phoenix smiled and pointed to my toes. The gears in my head were grinding trying to decipher what he was trying to say when it came to me!
"You mean pink and sparkley?"
"YES! Prinklely!"
Grossipes (Gross + recipes)
I have learned having boys, that if you can't beat them, join them! Boys are gross by nature. They love to have disgusting conversations about anything. They will show you the black dirt under their toes while trying to shove their filthy tootsies up your nose. They run around the house naked. They bend over and shake their bare bottoms at you. Boys will will tell you the color of their poo (and yes if they eat Rainbow Goldfish crackers it will be neon green).
While on our last trip out of town, when the DVD player no longer entertained the boys, and the DS was "boring," I decided to invent their kind of fun.
"Let's make up recipes and see whose is the grossest. I'll start. I'm going to make a pickle sandwich with peanut butter, flies, and flaming hot Cheetos smashed inside!"
The boys ewwwed in the back seat.
Maginnis was next, "I'm going to make a worm cake with marshmallows, moldy cheese, farts, and David's face (my boyfriend)!"
Maginnis was laughing so hard that tears streamed down his face.
"I get a turn, Mama!" Phoenix demanded.
"Let's hear it!" I cheered.
"I'm going to make something really gross. I'm going to make a pizza with boogers, poop, pee, and diarrhea!"
That was over.
"You win! You're the most disgusting child in the world!"
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