I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when the boys and their dad arrived back from Virginia with a pink blanket in tow; it was silk after all. Phoenix had long had a fetish for all things silk so it was no shocker he fell in love with a blanket belonging to his new baby cousin, Kyla. The blanket, which became known as Kyla Blankie, was divine: made of soft chenille on one side and satin on the other, it was plush and soft beyond the words of my then two-year-old.
I discovered my child's love of silk early on. When going to the fabric store, as I pushed the buggy down the aisles, Phoenix would reach his hand out touching all the fabrics as we passed by. If we went down an aisle of silk or satin, Phoenix's eyes would glimmer like that of crack addict about to get his fix. When I would get dressed for work and wore silk blouses, Phoenix would follow me around the house "petting" me. He would look at me with pleading eyes, "Mama, hold me." As soon as I lifted him, he would start to rub his cheek on my silken shoulder.
It got to the point where Phoenix would go into my closet looking for silk blouses. If the blouse had strings or sashes that hung down, he would yank them off the hanger and make off with his silky prize. Soon he discovered my lilac robe. He pulled it from the hook on the wall and wrapped himself inside. When it was time to go to school, he refused to let go his new found silk security blanket. So off to school he went with my Victoria's Secret robe.
I joke that when Phoenix is older, as least I know that he will spoil his future girlfriend and wife. She will have all the shiniest and softest lingerie. And when I come to visit my son, and see a silk bathrobe on the back of the bathroom door, I'll know where it came from.
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